Research Publications
"On the Difficulty of Characterizing Network Formation with Endogenous Behavior," B. Golub, Y. Hsieh, and E. Sadler, Forthcoming in Mathematical Social Sciences, 2023.
"Regulation Design in Insurance Markets," D. Bhaskar, A. McClellan, and E. Sadler, American Economic Review, 113(10), 2546--2580, 2023.
"Influence Campaigns," E. Sadler, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 15(3), 271--304, 2023.
"Ordinal Centrality," E. Sadler, Journal of Political Economy, 130(4), 926--955, 2022.
"Dead Ends," E. Sadler, Journal of Economic Theory, 191, 2021.
"A Practical Guide to Updating Beliefs from Contradictory Evidence," E. Sadler, Econometrica 89(1), 415--436, 2021. Online Appendix
"Innovation Adoption and Collective Experimentation," E. Sadler, Games and Economic Behavior 120, 121--131, 2020.
"Diffusion Games," E. Sadler, American Economic Review 110(1), 225--270, 2020.
"Peer-Confirming Equilibrium," E. Lipnowski and E. Sadler, Econometrica 87(2), 567--591, 2019.
"Customer Referral Incentives and Social Media," I. Lobel, E. Sadler, and L. Varshney, Management Science 63(10), 3514--3529, 2017.
"Preferences, Homophily, and Social Learning," I. Lobel and E. Sadler, Operations Research 64(3), 564--584, 2016.
"Information Diffusion in Networks through Social Learning," I. Lobel and E. Sadler, Theoretical Economics 10(3), 807--851, 2015.
"Minimax and the Value of Information," E. Sadler, Theory and Decision 78(4), 575--586, 2015.
Other Publications
"Learning in Social Networks," B. Golub and E. Sadler, in The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Networks, 2016.
Working Papers
"Simple Conditions for a Unique Nash Equilibrium," E. Sadler, 2024.
"A Unified Approach to Strategic Network Formation and Classical Matching Theory," E. Sadler, 2023.
"Making a Swap: Network Formation with Increasing Marginal Costs," E. Sadler, 2023 (Revise and Resubmit at Journal of Political Economy).
"Seeding a Simple Contagion," E. Sadler, 2023 (Revise and Resubmit at Econometrica).
"Games on Endogenous Networks," E. Sadler and B. Golub, 2022.
"Resource Allocation with Positive Externalities," D. Bhaskar and E. Sadler, 2020.
"False Information and Disagreement in Social Networks," E. Sadler, 2018.
"Complex Networks and Local Bayesian Equilibrium," E. Sadler, 2015.
"Bounded Rationality and the Network Economist's Dilemma," E. Sadler, 2014.
"Sharing Rival Information," N. Immorlica, B. Lucier, and E. Sadler, 2014.
"Network Games with Incomplete Information Played by "Bayesian" Players," E. Sadler, 2015
Senior Thesis
"High Frequency Sampling in Bandit Problems with Dynamically Changing Reward Distributions," E. Sadler, 2009